/* Signal processing example. */

using system;
extern int getpid();

/* The common POSIX termination signals like SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM etc. are
   already remapped to Pure exceptions by the interpreter when it starts.
   Other kinds of signals can be handled as Pure exceptions, too, if we rebind
   them with the 'trap' function. (Try 'list -g SIG*' to see which standard
   signal values are known on your system.) Example: */


/* Running this function enters an endless loop reporting all signals
   delivered to the process. */

test = printf "Running as pid %d, try to kill me!\n" getpid $$ loop;

loop = catch sig check $$ loop with
  sig (signal k) = printf "Hey, I got signal %d.\n" k;

/* Take a short nap so that the loop doesn't run busily. This also serves the
   purpose of checking for pending signals. (Note that for performance reasons
   the Pure interpreter only processes asynchronous signals at certain points,
   such as the entry of a global Pure function.) */

check = sleep 1;