/* New Calendar and Clock
   Copyright (c) 2008 by Libor Spacek

   Acknowledgement: thanks to Dr Albert Graef for his "Q" code for the
   Julian day and Gregorian dates

   time; returns Posix time based on UTC (Universal Temps Coordinat) or
   TAI (Temps Atomique International) rather than local daylight saving time */

using system;   // imports printf, time, ctime, gmtime, gettimeofday, strftime
// extern long time(long*) = c_time; // diy time, no longer needed
// diytime = c_time (pointer 0);

// some constants in whole days
const mdayposix  = 1856305;// Mayan day for the posix epoch 1 Jan 1970
const jdayposix  = 2440588;// Julian day (since 1 Jan 4713 BC) for the posix epoch
const cycledays  = 1872000;// end of cycle: total days in 13 Baktuns
// some constants in whole seconds
const secsinday  = 86400;  // number of seconds in a day
const trueyear   = 31556941;// current true year (divisible by 13)
const myyear     = 31556943;// div by 2277, secsinday compatible, 365.2424 days
const gregyear   = 31556952;// div by 40824, mean gregorian year, 365.2425 days
const lunarmonth = 2551443; // duration of the lunar synodic month
const fullmoon   = 1213810200;// 18th June 2008, 17:30, full moon in posix seconds
const venussyn   = 50450688;// duration of the Venus synodic cycle
const venusinf   = 1187409600;// 18th August 2007, 4am Venus inferior conjunction

// first some functions generally useful in Pure:
round n::double = int (n+0.5);
mstime = 1000.0*gettimeofday;
mscpu  = 1000.0*clock/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

/* timex returns a list: [ evaluated closure, cputime, realtime ]
   call with closure argument: (timex (\_ -> sumefunction some arguments)) */
timex f = (f ()), (round (mscpu-c0)), (round (mstime-d0))
   when d0::double = mstime; c0::double = mscpu end;

/* extended mod operator to work on doubles, so that int, bigint and double
   times can be conveniently used */
x::double mod y::int =
   (x - intx) + (intx mod y) when intx = (int x) end; // mod of a double
secsnow = time mod secsinday; // int seconds since midnight

// either mayan or julian posix epoch (plus posix seconds), gives a double mjday
// to get current pday, use simple: (secs2days time) or (secs2days gettimeofday)
mjday epoch::int secs::int| mjday epoch::int secs::bigint |
mjday epoch::int secs::double = epoch+secs/secsinday;// use time or gettimeofday

// all conversions between Julian (j) Mayan (m) and Posix (p), in days
// jday mday pday are numbers of days since their relevant origins (epochs)
jday2mday d::int | jday2mday d::double =  d - jdayposix + mdayposix;
mday2jday d::int | mday2jday d::double =  d - mdayposix + jdayposix;
jday2pday d::int | jday2pday d::double =  d - jdayposix;
mday2pday d::int | mday2pday d::double =  d - mdayposix;
pday2jday d::int | pday2jday d::double =  d + jdayposix;
pday2mday d::int | pday2mday d::double =  d + mdayposix;

// inner units conversions for convenience and readability
secs2days s::int | secs2days s::bigint | secs2days s::double = s / secsinday;
days2secs d::int | days2secs d::bigint | days2secs d::double = secsinday * d;
days2hours d::int| days2hours d::bigint| days2hours d::double= 24*d;
hours2days h::int = h / 24;

/* conversions from/to days:hours:minutes:seconds format
   seconds can be int, bigint or double. d,h,m are ints */
dhms2secs (d::int:h::int:m::int:s::int) |
dhms2secs (d::int:h::int:m::int:s::bigint) |
dhms2secs (d::int:h::int:m::int:s::double) = 60*(60*(24*d+h)+m)+s;

secs2dhms secs::int | secs2dhms secs::bigint | secs2dhms secs::double =
   d:(h mod 24):(m mod 60):(secs mod 60)
   when m::int = int (secs / 60); h::int = m div 60; d::int = h div 24 end;

// an arbitrary binary operator applied to two (days:hours:minutes:seconds)
opdhms op (d1::int:h1::int:m1::int:s1)(d2::int:h2::int:m2::int:s2) =
   secs2dhms (op (dhms2secs (d1:h1:m1:s1)) (dhms2secs (d2:h2:m2:s2)));

/* conversions from/to hours:minutes:seconds format for displaying time of day
   hours may be more than 24 but use d:h:m:s for longer periods of time */
hms2secs (h::int:m::int:s::int) |
hms2secs (h::int:m::int:s::bigint) |
hms2secs (h::int:m::int:s::double) = 60*(60*h+m)+s;

secs2hms secs::int | secs2hms secs::bigint | secs2hms secs::double =
   h:(m mod 60):(secs mod 60)
   when m::int = int (secs / 60); h::int = m div 60 end;

/* New Time Format: hours:3mins:10secs:secs = hours:tres:dicis:secs = h:t:d:s
   the normal seconds are now just a single digit 0-9
   dicis:secs are easy to read: 6:0 means 60 seconds, 12:5 125 seconds etc.
   tres - multiply by three to get traditional babylonian minutes
   hours as usual (24 hour clock) */
htds2secs (h::int:t::int:d::int:s::int)|
htds2secs (h::int:t::int:d::int:s::bigint)|
htds2secs (h::int:t::int:d::int:s::double) = 10*(18*(20*h+t)+d)+s;

secs2htds secs::int | secs2htds secs::bigint | secs2htds secs::double =
   h:(t mod 20):(d mod 18):(secs mod 10)
   when d::int = int (secs / 10); t::int = d div 18; h::int = t div 20 end;

// Mayan 'long count' calendar presentation format
days2mayan d::int = baktun:(katun mod 20):(tun mod 20):(vinal mod 18):(d mod 20)
      vinal=d div 20; tun=vinal div 18; katun=tun div 20; baktun=katun div 20

mayan2days (baktun::int:katun::int:tun::int:vinal::int:kin::int) =

/* Calculations in Mayan long count format, e.g. addmayan day1 day2
   probably not needed, as it is the same as: days2mayan day1+day2; */
addmayan (baktun1::int:katun1::int:tun1::int:vinal1::int:kin1::int)
           (baktun2::int:katun2::int:tun2::int:vinal2::int:kin2::int) =
   baktun:(katun mod 20):(tun mod 20):(vinal mod 18):(kin mod 20)
   kin = kin1+kin2; vinal = vinal1+vinal2+(kin div 20);
   tun = tun1+tun2+(vinal div 18); katun = katun1+katun2+(tun div 20);
   baktun = baktun1+baktun2+(katun div 20)

/* Gregorian calendar presentation format: (D,M,Y)
   unlike the Mayan long count, these dates are historically correct only after
   the introduction of Gregorian calendar in 1582 (much later in non-catholic
   countries). Ten days had been 'deleted' by pope Gregory. However, due to
   ignoring 'pagan' advice, the corrected drift now builds up over the periods
   of 4,100,200,400 years. This buildup is currently 2.15 days between 1900 and
   2100! On top of that, an uncorrected drift still remains, estimated as the
   minimum of 8 days by the year 12000.
   These reasons make the Gregorian calendar dates useless for astronomical
   purposes. Julian days (acknowledgement to Julius Caesar) are still used
   and conversions to either Julian days or Mayan days are necessary. */
greg2jdays (D::int,M::int,Y::int) =
   D+(153*M+2) div 5+365*Y+Y div 4-Y div 100+Y div 400-32045
   when A = (14-M) div 12; Y = Y+4800-A; M = M+12*A-3 end;

greg2pdays date@(D::int,M::int,Y::int) = jday2pday (greg2jdays date);

// gregorian date time -> psecs
greg2psecs g@(D::int,M::int,Y::int) hms =
   (days2secs (greg2pdays g)) + (hms2secs hms);

jdays2greg N::int  =
   (E-(153*M+2) div 5+1, M+3-12*(M div 10), 100*B+D-4800+M div 10)
   when A = N+32044; B = (4*A+3) div 146097;
      C = A-146097*B div 4; D = (4*C+3) div 1461;
      E = C-1461*D div 4; M = (5*E+2) div 153

pdays2greg N::int = jdays2greg (pday2jday N);

//parse gmtime string and extract the components
nullary wday mon day utc year;
gmparse wday psecs::int| gmparse wday psecs::bigint= (gmtime psecs)!!(0..2);
gmparse mon psecs::int | gmparse mon psecs::bigint = (gmtime psecs)!!(4..6);
gmparse day psecs::int | gmparse day psecs::bigint = (gmtime psecs)!!(8..9);
gmparse utc psecs::int | gmparse utc psecs::bigint = (gmtime psecs)!!(11..18);
gmparse year psecs::int| gmparse year psecs::bigint =(gmtime psecs)!!(20..24);

/* phase of any cycle of 'length' from 'init' at time 'now' (must be same units)
   this is surprisingly accurate without computing the full orbital elements */
phase init::int length::int now::int |
phase init::int length::int now::bigint |
phase init::int length::int now::double = ((now-init) mod length)/length;

// same as above but returns dhms till the completion
completion init::int length::int now::int |
completion init::int length::int now::bigint |
completion init::int length::int now::double = length - ((now-init) mod length);

// now let's do some simple calculations
nextfmoon = secs2days (completion fullmoon lunarmonth time); // in seconds
nextvenus = secs2days (completion venusinf venussyn time);
jdaytoday = mjday jdayposix time; // double julian day - could use gettimeofday
daytoday  = mjday mdayposix time; // double mayan day - could use gettimeofday
longtoday = str (days2mayan (int daytoday));
nextcycle = completion 0 cycledays daytoday; // now in days
mayanleft = str (days2mayan (int nextcycle));
complete = 100.0*(phase 0 cycledays daytoday);

// usage = puts "Usage:  pure -x date.pure [anyarg]" $$
//        puts "\tanyarg for help\n";

// usage with pure -x commented out to enable interactive and "using" modes
// case argc of
//  1 =

puts "****************************************************************";
puts "*    New Calendar/Clock, Copyright (c) 2008 by Libor Spacek    *";
puts "****************************************************************";

   puts ((strftime "%x" time) + "\t Gregorian date") $$
   puts ((strftime "%X" time) + "\t local time") $$
   puts ((gmparse utc time) + "\t UTC time") $$
//   printf "%s   \t UTC Time in h:t:d:s\n"  (str (secs2htds (int secsnow))) $$
   printf "%12.4f   \t Julian day\n" jdaytoday $$
   printf "%12.4f   \t Mayan  day\n" daytoday $$
   printf "%s\t Mayan long count date\n" longtoday $$
   printf "%6.4f   \t days till the next full Moon\n" nextfmoon $$
   printf "%7.4f   \t days till the next inf. conjunction of Venus\n" nextvenus $$
   printf "%9.4f   \t days till the end of the Mayan cycle\n" nextcycle $$
   printf "%s\t long countdown to the end of the cycle\n" mayanleft $$
   printf "%11.8f %%\t completion of this cycle of >5125 years\n" complete $$
   puts "****************************************************************";
//  2 = // another argument was presented -> print help and usage
   puts "Mayan long count digits and their ranges of values:" $$
   puts "Baktun(0-12) : Katun(0-19) : Tun(0-19) : Vinal(0-17) : Kin(0-19)" $$
   puts "Baktun=144000days Katun=7200days Tun=360days Vinal=20days Kin=day" $$
   puts "****************************************************************";
//   puts "\nNew clock digits and their ranges of values:" $$
//   puts "hour(0-23) : tre(0-19) : dici(0-17) : second(0-9)" $$
//   puts "hour=3600s : tre=180s  : dici=10s   : s=second\n" $$
//   puts "Full time spec: Baktun:Katun:Tun:Vinal:Kin hour:tre:dici:second\n" ;
//   usage;
//  n = usage // any other number of arguments -> just print usage