/* Pure's priority queue data structure implemented as binary trees */

/* Copyright (c) 2008 by Albert Graef <Dr.Graef@t-online.de>.

   This file is part of the Pure programming language and system.

   Pure is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
   terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
   Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

   Pure is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
   FOR a PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
   with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */

/* Heaps allow quick (constant time) access to the smallest member, and to
   remove the smallest nember and insert new elements in logarithmic time.
   This implementation does not allow quick update of heap members; if
   such functionality is required, bags should be used instead
   (see bag in set.pure).

   Heap members must be ordered by the <= predicate. Multiple instances
   of the same element may be stored in a heap; however, the order in
   which equal elements are retrieved is not specified. */

/* Public operations: ******************************************************

// #h                           // size of a heap

// null h                       // tests whether h is the empty heap
// list h, members h            // lists members of h in ascending order

// first h                      // first (i.e. smallest) member of h
// rmfirst h                    // remove smallest member from h
// insert h x                   // insert h into x


/* Tree constructors. */
private nullary nil;
private bin;

// create an empty heap
emptyheap                       = Heap nil;

// create a heap from a list
heap xs                         = foldl insert emptyheap xs if listp xs;

// check whether h is a heap
heapp (Heap _)                  = 1;
heapp _                         = 0 otherwise;

// get size of a heap
#(Heap h)                       = #h
  #nil                          = 0;
  #bin 0 _ h1 _                 = #h1 * 2 + 1;
  #bin 1 _ h1 _                 = #h1 * 2

// test for an empty heap
null (Heap nil)                 = 1;
null (Heap _)                   = 0 otherwise;

// get members of a heap as an ordered list
members h@(Heap _)              = [] if null h;
                                = accum [first h] (rmfirst h)
  accum ys h                    = reverse ys if null h;
                                = accum ((first h):ys) (rmfirst h)

list h@(Heap _)                 = members h;

// get the first (smallest) member of a heap
first (Heap (bin _ x _ _))      = x;

// remove the first (smallest) member of a heap
rmfirst (Heap h)                = Heap (rmfirst h)
  rmfirst (bin 0 _ nil nil)     = nil;
  rmfirst (bin 0 _ h1  h2 )     = update (bin 1 (last h2) h1 (rmlast h2));
  rmfirst (bin 1 _ h1  h2 )     = update (bin 0 (last h1) (rmlast h1) h2);

  last (bin 0 x::int    nil nil) |
  last (bin 0 x::string nil nil) |
  last (bin 0 x         nil nil)
                                = x;
  last (bin 0 _ _ h2)           = last h2;
  last (bin 1 _ h1 _)           = last h1;

  update (bin 0 x::int    nil nil) |
  update (bin 0 x::string nil nil) |
  update (bin 0 x         nil nil)
                                = bin 0 x nil nil;
  update (bin 1 x::int    (bin b1::int x1::int    h1 h2) nil) |
  update (bin 1 x::string (bin b1::int x1::string h1 h2) nil) |
  update (bin 1 x         (bin b1::int x1         h1 h2) nil)
                                = bin 1 x (bin b1 x1 h1 h2) nil
                                      if x <= x1;
                                = bin 1 x1 (update (bin b1 x h1 h2))
                                  nil otherwise;
  update (bin b::int x::int    (bin b1::int x1::int    h1 h2)
                                        (bin b2::int x2::int    h3 h4)) |
  update (bin b::int x::string (bin b1::int x1::string h1 h2)
                                        (bin b2::int x2::string h3 h4)) |
  update (bin b::int x         (bin b1::int x1         h1 h2)
                                        (bin b2::int x2         h3 h4))
                                = bin b x (bin b1 x1 h1 h2) (bin b2 x2 h3 h4)
                                      if (x <= x1) && (x <= x2);
                                = bin b x1 (update (bin b1 x h1 h2))
                                  (bin b2 x2 h3 h4)
                                      if x1 <= x2;
                                = bin b x2 (bin b1 x1 h1 h2)
                                  (update (bin b2 x h3 h4))

  rmlast (bin 0 _ nil nil)      = nil;
  rmlast (bin 0 x h1  h2 )      = bin 1 x h1 (rmlast h2);
  rmlast (bin 1 x h1  h2 )      = bin 0 x (rmlast h1) h2;

// insert a new member into a heap
insert (Heap h) y::int    |
insert (Heap h) y::string |
insert (Heap h) y               = Heap (insert h y)
  insert nil y::int    |
  insert nil y::string |
  insert nil y                  = bin 0 y nil nil;

  insert (bin 0 x::int    h1 h2) y::int    |
  insert (bin 0 x::string h1 h2) y::string |
  insert (bin 0 x         h1 h2) y
                                = bin 1 x (insert h1 y) h2 if x <= y;
                                = bin 1 y (insert h1 x) h2 otherwise;
  insert (bin 1 x::int    h1 h2) y::int    |
  insert (bin 1 x::string h1 h2) y::string |
  insert (bin 1 x         h1 h2) y
                                = bin 0 x h1 (insert h2 y) if x <= y;
                                = bin 0 y h1 (insert h2 x) otherwise

// equality test
(Heap h1) == (Heap h2)          =  eq h1 h2
  eq nil nil                    = 1;
  eq nil (bin _ _ _ _)          = 0;
  eq (bin _ _ _ _) nil          = 0;
  eq (bin b1::int x1::int    h1 h2) (bin b2::int x2::int    h3 h4) |
  eq (bin b1::int x1::string h1 h2) (bin b2::int x2::string h3 h4) |
  eq (bin b1::int x1         h1 h2) (bin b2::int x2         h3 h4)
                                = if (b1 == b2)
                                  then if (x1 == x2)
                                       then if eq h1 h3
                                            then eq h2 h4
                                            else 0
                                       else 0
                                  else 0

// inequaliy test
(Heap h1) != (Heap h2)          = neq h1 h2
  neq nil nil                   = 0;
  neq nil (bin _ _ _ _)         = 1;
  neq (bin _ _ _ _) nil         = 1;
  neq (bin b1::int x1::int    h1 h2) (bin b2::int x2::int    h3 h4) |
  neq (bin b1::int x1::string h1 h2) (bin b2::int x2::string h3 h4) |
  neq (bin b1::int x1         h1 h2) (bin b2::int x2         h3 h4)
                                = if (b1 != b2)
                                  then 1
                                  else if (x1 != x2)
                                       then 1
                                       else if neq h1 h3
                                            then 1
                                            else neq h2 h4