/* Pure's standard prelude. */

/* Copyright (c) 2008 by Albert Graef <Dr.Graef@t-online.de>.

   This file is part of the Pure programming language and system.

   Pure is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
   terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
   Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

   Pure is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
   with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */

/* Signature of commonly used constant and operator symbols. This should be
   the first thing in the prelude, as these symbols are heavily used almost
   everywhere. */

/* Built-in exception values. */

nullary    failed_cond;         // failed conditional (guard, if-then-else)
nullary    failed_match;        // failed pattern match (lambda, case, etc.)
nullary    stack_fault;         // not enough stack space (PURE_STACK limit)
//         bad_matrix_value x;  // error in matrix construction

/* Other exceptions defined by the prelude. */

nullary    malloc_error;        // memory allocation error
nullary    out_of_bounds;       // tuple or list index is out of bounds (!)
//         bad_list_value xs;   // not a proper list value (reverse, etc.)
//         bad_tuple_value xs;  // not a proper tuple value (unzip, etc.)

/* Other constants. */

nullary    [] ();               // empty list and tuple

/* Operators. Note that the parser will automagically give unary minus the
   same precedence level as the corresponding binary operator. */

infixl  0   $$ ;                // sequence operator
infixr  0   $ ;                 // right-associative application
infixr  1   , ;                 // pair (tuple)
infix   2   .. ;                // arithmetic sequences
infix   2   => ;                // mapsto constructor
infixr  2   || ;                // logical or (short-circuit)
infixr  3   && ;                // logical and (short-circuit)
prefix  3   not ;               // logical negation
infix   4   < > <= >= == != ;   // relations
infix   4   === !== ;           // syntactic equality
infixr  4   : ;                 // list cons
infixl  5   << >> ;             // bit shifts
infixl  6   + - or ;            // addition, bitwise or
infixl  7   * / div mod and ;   // multiplication, bitwise and
prefix  7   ~ ;                 // bitwise not
postfix 7   ' ;                 // matrix transposition
infixr  8   ^ ;                 // exponentiation
prefix  8   # ;                 // size operator
infixl  9   ! !! ;              // indexing, slicing
infixr  9   . ;                 // function composition
postfix 9   & ;                 // thunk

/* The truth values. These are just integers in Pure, but sometimes it's
   convenient to refer to them using these symbolic constants. */

const false, true = 0, 1;

/* Pull in the primitives (arithmetic etc.) and the standard string functions.
   Note that the math and system modules are *not* included here, so you have
   to do that yourself if your program requires any of those operations. */

using primitives, matrices, strings;

/* Basic combinators. */

f $ x           = f x;
(f . g) x       = f (g x);

void _          = ();
id x            = x;
cst x y         = x;

flip f x y      = f y x;
curry f x y     = f (x,y);
curry3 f x y z  = f (x,y,z);
uncurry f (x,y) = f x y;
uncurry3 f (x,y,z)
                = f x y z;

/* The (normal order) fixed point combinator. */

fix f = y y with y x = f (x x&) end;

/* Some convenient optimization rules which eliminate saturated calls of the
   function composition combinators. */

def f $ x       = f x;
def (f . g) x   = f (g x);

/* The following rule is always valid and optimizes the case of "throwaway"
   list comprehensions (useful if a list comprehension is evaluated solely for
   its side effects). */

def void (catmap f x) = do f x;

/* "Mapsto" operator. This constructor is declared here so that it can be used
   in other standard library modules to denote special kinds of pairs which
   map keys to values. Here we only define equality of such pairs. */

(x=>v)==(y=>w)  = if x==y then v==w else 0;
(x=>v)!=(y=>w)  = if x!=y then 1 else v!=w;

/* Poor man's tuples(TM). These are constructed with the pairing operator ',',
   are always flat and associate to the right. The empty tuple, denoted (), is
   neutral with respect to ','. Operations are provided to test for equality/
   inequality and emptiness, to determine the size of a tuple, for zero-based
   indexing, and to reverse a tuple. */

x,()            = x;
(),y            = y;
(x,y),z         = x,(y,z);

()==()          = 1;
(x,xs)==()      = 0;
()==(x,xs)      = 0;
(x,xs)==(y,ys)  = if x==y then xs==ys else 0;

()!=()          = 0;
(x,xs)!=()      = 1;
()!=(x,xs)      = 1;
(x,xs)!=(y,ys)  = if x!=y then 1 else xs!=ys;

null ()         = 1;
null (x,xs)     = 0;

#()             = 0;
#(x,xs)         = accum 1 xs with
  accum n::int (x,xs)   = accum (n+1) xs;
  accum n::int x        = n+1;

(x,xs)!n::int   = throw out_of_bounds if n<0;
(x,xs)!0        = x;
(x,y,xs)!n::int = (y,xs)!(n-1);
(x,y)!1         = y;

reverse ()      = ();
reverse (x,xs)  = accum x xs with
  accum ys (x,xs)       = accum (x,ys) xs;
  accum ys x            = x,ys;

/* Lists are the usual "conses" written using the infix ':' operator. '[]'
   denotes the empty list. Moreover, the parser provides the customary sugar
   for proper list values [x] where x is any singleton or tuple (in the latter
   case you'll get a list made from all the elements of x). The usual basic
   operations are provided to test for equality/inequality and emptiness, to
   compute the size of a list, for indexing and concatenation, and for
   reversing a list. */

[]==[]          = 1;
(x:xs)==[]      = 0;
[]==(x:xs)      = 0;
(x:xs)==(y:ys)  = if x==y then xs==ys else 0;

[]!=[]          = 0;
(x:xs)!=[]      = 1;
[]!=(x:xs)      = 1;
(x:xs)!=(y:ys)  = if x!=y then 1 else xs!=ys;

null []         = 1;
null (x:xs)     = 0;

#[]             = 0;
#(x:xs)         = accum 1 xs with
  accum n::int (x:xs)   = accum (n+1) xs;
  accum n::int []       = n;
  accum n::int xs       = n+#xs;

[]!n::int       = throw out_of_bounds;
(x:xs)!0        = x;
(x:xs)!n::int   = xs!(n-1) if n>0;
                = throw out_of_bounds otherwise;

/* List concatenation. For a robust implementation which works with both
   ordinary lists and streams, we want this to be tail-recursive *and*
   non-strict. So we first walk down the list, popping elements from the first
   operand until we find an empty or thunked tail ('tick'), then walk back up
   again, pushing elements in front of the result list ('tack'). */

[]+ys           = ys;
xs@(_:_)+ys     = tick [] xs ys
  tick zs (x:xs) ys     = tack (x:zs) ((xs+ys)&) if thunkp xs;
                        = tick (x:zs) xs ys;
  tick zs [] ys         = tack zs ys;
  /* Handle an improper list tail (xs+ys is in normal form here). */
  tick zs xs ys         = tack zs (xs+ys);
  tack (x:xs) ys        = tack xs (x:ys);
  tack [] ys            = ys;

/* List reversal. This is a strict operation, of course, so it will loop on
   infinite lists. Also, this is one of the few list operations which throws
   an exception for improper lists, since in that case there really isn't any
   meaningful value to return. */

reverse []      = [];
reverse (x:xs)  = accum [x] xs with
  accum ys (x:xs)       = accum (x:ys) xs;
  accum ys []           = ys;
  accum ys xs           = throw (bad_list_value xs);

/* Conversions between lists, tuples and streams. */

list ()         = [];
list (x,xs)     = accum [x] xs with
  accum ys (x,xs)       = accum (x:ys) xs;
  accum ys x            = reverse (x:ys);

tuple []        = ();
tuple (x:xs)    = accum x xs with
  accum ys (x:xs)       = accum (x,ys) xs;
  accum ys []           = if tuplep ys then reverse ys else ys;
  accum ys xs           = ys,xs;

list []         = [];
list (x:xs)     = x:list xs;

stream []       = [];
stream (x:xs)   = x:xs if thunkp xs;
                = x:stream xs& otherwise;

stream ()       = [];
stream xs@(_,_) = stream (list xs);

/* Slicing. xs!!ns returns the list (or tuple) of xs!n for all members n of
   the index list ns which are in the valid index range. This is a generic
   definition which will work with any kind of container data structure which
   defines (!) in such a manner that it throws an exception when the index is
   out of bounds. */

xs!!ns          = if tuplep xs then tuple ys else ys
                  when ys = catmap (nth xs) ns end
                  with nth xs n = catch (cst []) [xs!n] end;

/* Arithmetic sequences. */

n1:n2..m        = if m===s*inf then iterate (\x->x+k) n1
                  else while (\i->s*i<=s*m) (\x->x+k) n1
                  when k = n2-n1; s = if k>0 then 1 else -1 end if n1!=n2;
n..m            = if m===inf then iterate (\x->x+1) n
                  else while (\i->i<=m) (\x->x+1) n;

/* Common list functions. This mostly comes straight from the Q prelude which
   in turn was based on the first edition of the Bird/Wadler book, and is very
   similar to what you can find in the Haskell prelude. Some functions have
   slightly different names, though, and of course everything is typed
   dynamically. Some of the definitions aren't exactly pretty, but they are
   like that because we want them to be both efficient and robust. In
   particular, we require that they do all the necessary argument checking,
   are tail-recursive and handle lazy lists as gracefully as possible. */

all p []                = 1;
all p (x:xs)            = if p x then all p xs else 0;

any p []                = 0;
any p (x:xs)            = if p x then 1 else any p xs;

do f []                 = ();
do f (x:xs)             = f x $$ do f xs;

drop n::int []          = [];
drop n::int ys@(x:xs)   = drop (n-1) xs if n>1;
                        = xs if n==1;
                        = ys otherwise;

dropwhile p []          = [];
dropwhile p ys@(x:xs)   = dropwhile p xs if p x;
                        = ys otherwise;

filter p []             = [];
filter p xs@(_:_)       = tick [] xs
  add p x xs            = if p x then x:xs else xs;
  tick zs (x:xs)        = tack (add p x zs) (filter p xs&) if thunkp xs;
                        = tick (add p x zs) xs;
  tick zs []            = tack zs [];
  tick _ xs             = throw (bad_list_value xs);
  tack (x:xs) ys        = tack xs (x:ys);
  tack [] ys            = ys;

foldl f a []            = a;
foldl f a (x:xs)        = foldl f (f a x) xs;

foldl1 f (x:xs)         = foldl f x xs;

foldr f a []            = a;
foldr f a xs@(_:_)      = tick [] xs
  tick zs (x:xs)        = tack (x:zs) (foldr f a xs&) if thunkp xs;
                        = tick (x:zs) xs;
  tick zs []            = tack zs a;
  tick zs xs            = tack zs (foldr f a xs);
  tack (x:xs) y         = tack xs (f x y);
  tack [] y             = y;

foldr1 f [x]            = x;
foldr1 f xs@(_:_)       = tick [] xs
  /* Do the thunkp check first, before probing the tail. Note that the first
     foldr1 rule above ensures that the topmost tail is already evaluated, so
     that we always make some progress here. */
  tick zs ys@(_:xs)     = tack zs (foldr1 f ys&) if thunkp xs;
  tick zs xs            = case xs of
                            [x]  = tack zs x;
                            x:xs = tick (x:zs) xs;
                            _    = tack zs (foldr1 f xs);
  tack (x:xs) y         = tack xs (f x y);
  tack [] y             = y;

head (x:xs)             = x;

init [x]                = [];
init xs@(_:_)           = tick [] xs
  tick zs ys@(_:xs)     = tack zs (init ys&) if thunkp xs;
  tick zs xs            = case xs of
                            [x]  = tack zs [];
                            x:xs = tick (x:zs) xs;
                            _    = tack zs (init xs);
  tack (x:xs) ys        = tack xs (x:ys);
  tack [] ys            = ys;

last [x]                = x;
last (x:xs)             = last xs;

map f []                = [];
map f xs@(_:_)          = tick [] xs
  tick zs (x:xs)        = tack (f x:zs) (map f xs&) if thunkp xs;
                        = tick (f x:zs) xs;
  tick zs []            = tack zs [];
  tick zs xs            = tack zs (map f xs);
  tack (x:xs) ys        = tack xs (x:ys);
  tack [] ys            = ys;

scanl f a []            = [a];
scanl f a xs@(_:_)      = tick a [] xs
  tick a zs (x:xs)      = tack (a:zs) (scanl f (f a x) xs&) if thunkp xs;
                        = tick (f a x) (a:zs) xs;
  tick a zs []          = tack zs [a];
  tick a zs xs          = tack zs (scanl f a xs);
  tack (x:xs) ys        = tack xs (x:ys);
  tack [] ys            = ys;

scanl1 f []             = [];
scanl1 f (x:xs)         = scanl f x xs;

scanr f a []            = [a];
scanr f a xs@(_:_)      = tick [] xs
  /* Hack around with thunks to make these matches irrefutable. */
  tick zs (x:xs)        = tack zs us when
                            ys = scanr f a xs&;
                            y  = (case ys of
                                    y:_ = y;
                                    scanr _ _ ys = throw (bad_list_value ys);
                                    _ = throw (bad_list_value ys);
                            us = f x y : ys;
                          end if thunkp xs;
  tick zs (x:xs)        = tack zs (f x (y when y:_ = ys end)&:ys
                                   when ys = scanr f a xs& end) if thunkp xs;
                        = tick (x:zs) xs;
  tick zs []            = tack zs [a];
  tick zs xs            = throw (bad_list_value xs);
  tack (x:xs) ys        = tack xs (f x y:ys) when y:_ = ys end;
  tack [] ys            = ys;

scanr1 f []             = [];
scanr1 f [x]            = [x];
scanr1 f xs@(_:_)       = tick [] xs
  tick zs (x:xs)        = tack zs us when
                            ys = scanr1 f xs&;
                            y  = (case ys of
                                    y:_ = y;
                                    scanr1 _ ys = throw (bad_list_value ys);
                                    _ = throw (bad_list_value ys);
                            us = f x y : ys;
                          end if thunkp xs;
  tick zs xs            = case xs of
                            [x]  = tack zs [x];
                            x:xs = tick (x:zs) xs;
                            _    = throw (bad_list_value xs);
  tack (x:xs) ys        = tack xs (f x y:ys) when y:_ = ys end;
  tack [] ys            = ys;

tail (x:xs)             = xs;

take n::int []          = [];
take n::int xs@(_:_)    = tick n [] xs
  tick n::int zs xs     = tack zs [] if n<=0;
                        = tack zs (take n xs&) if thunkp xs;
                        = case xs of
                            []   = tack zs [];
                            x:xs = tick (n-1) (x:zs) xs;
                            _    = tack zs (take n xs);
  tack (x:xs) ys        = tack xs (x:ys);
  tack [] ys            = ys;

takewhile p []  = [];
takewhile p xs@(_:_)    = tick [] xs
  tick zs xs            = tack zs (takewhile p xs&) if thunkp xs;
                        = case xs of
                            []   = tack zs [];
                            x:xs = tick (x:zs) xs if p x;
                                 = tack zs [];
                            _    = tack zs (takewhile p xs);
  tack (x:xs) ys        = tack xs (x:ys);
  tack [] ys            = ys;

/* Concatenate a list of lists. */

cat []                  = [];
cat xs@(_:_)            = foldr (+) [] xs
  /* Unfortunately, the global list concatenation operator (+) isn't fully
     lazy in Pure, because it's also used for arithmetic operations. Using it
     here would make foldr (and hence cat) eager. Therefore we use our own
     concatenation operation here, which properly deals with the case that ys
     is an infinite stream when applied recursively. */
  []+ys                 = ys;
  xs@(_:_)+ys           = tick [] xs ys;
  tick zs (x:xs) ys     = tack (x:zs) ((xs+ys)&) if thunkp xs;
                        = tick (x:zs) xs ys;
  tick zs [] ys         = tack zs ys;
  tick zs xs ys         = tack zs (xs+ys);
  tack (x:xs) ys        = tack xs (x:ys);
  tack [] ys            = ys;

/* Map a function to a list and concatenate the results. This is used by list
   comprehensions. */

catmap f []             = [];
catmap f xs@(_:_)       = cat (map f xs);

/* NOTE: This definition (from the Haskell prelude) is better, but doesn't
   preserve left-to-right execution order. */
//catmap f xs@(_:_)     = foldr ((+).f) [] xs;

/* Search an element in a list. Returns -1 if not found, index of first
   occurrence otherwise. */

index [] _              = -1;
index (x:xs) y          = search 0 (x:xs) with
  search _ []           = -1;
  search n::int (x:xs)  = n if x==y;
                        = search (n+1) xs;
  search _ xs           = index xs y;

/* Some useful (infinite) list generators. */

iterate f x             = x : iterate f (f x)&;
repeat x                = x : repeat x&;
cycle ys@(x:xs)         = x : (xs+cycle ys)&;

/* Some finite (and strict) generators. These work like the a combination of
   takewhile/take and the above, but are implemented directly for maximum
   efficiency. */

while p f x             = accum [] p f x with
                            accum xs p f x = accum (x:xs) p f (f x) if p x;
                                           = reverse xs otherwise;

repeatn n::int x        = accum [] n x with
  accum xs n::int x     = xs if n<=0;
                        = accum (x:xs) (n-1) x;

cyclen n::int (x:xs)    = [] if n<=0;
                        = accum [] n with
                            accum ys n::int = cat ys+take n xs if n<=m;
                                            = accum (xs:ys) (n-m) otherwise;
                          end when xs = x:xs; m::int = #xs end if listp xs;

/* zip, unzip and friends. */

zip [] _                |
zip _ []                = [];
zip xs@(_:_) ys@(_:_)   = tick [] xs ys
  tick us (x:xs) (y:ys) = tack ((x,y):us) (zip xs ys&)
                            if thunkp xs || thunkp ys;
                        = tick ((x,y):us) xs ys;
  tick us [] _          |
  tick us _ []          = tack us [];
  tick us xs ys         = tack us (zip xs ys);
  tack (u:us) vs        = tack us (u:vs);
  tack [] vs            = vs;

zip3 [] _ _             |
zip3 _ [] _             |
zip3 _ _ []             = [];
zip3 xs@(_:_) ys@(_:_) zs@(_:_)
                        = tick [] xs ys zs
  tick us (x:xs) (y:ys) (z:zs)
                        = tack ((x,y,z):us) (zip3 xs ys zs&)
                            if thunkp xs || thunkp ys || thunkp zs;
                        = tick ((x,y,z):us) xs ys zs;
  tick us [] _ _        |
  tick us _ [] _        |
  tick us _ _ []        = tack us [];
  tick us xs ys zs      = tack us (zip3 xs ys zs);
  tack (u:us) vs        = tack us (u:vs);
  tack [] vs            = vs;

zipwith f [] _          |
zipwith f _ []          = [];
zipwith f xs@(_:_) ys@(_:_)
                        = tick [] xs ys
  tick us (x:xs) (y:ys) = tack (f x y:us) (zipwith f xs ys&)
                            if thunkp xs || thunkp ys;
                        = tick (f x y:us) xs ys;
  tick us [] _          |
  tick us _ []          = tack us [];
  tick us xs ys         = tack us (zipwith f xs ys);
  tack (u:us) vs        = tack us (u:vs);
  tack [] vs            = vs;

zipwith3 f [] _ _               |
zipwith3 f _ [] _               |
zipwith3 f _ _ []               = [];
zipwith3 f xs@(_:_) ys@(_:_) zs@(_:_)
                        = tick [] xs ys zs
  tick us (x:xs) (y:ys) (z:zs)
                        = tack (f x y z:us) (zipwith3 f xs ys zs&)
                            if thunkp xs || thunkp ys || thunkp zs;
                        = tick (f x y z:us) xs ys zs;
  tick us [] _ _        |
  tick us _ [] _        |
  tick us _ _ []        = tack us [];
  tick us xs ys zs      = tack us (zipwith3 f xs ys zs);
  tack (u:us) vs        = tack us (u:vs);
  tack [] vs            = vs;

dowith f (x:xs) (y:ys)  = f x y $$ dowith f xs ys;
dowith f _ _            = () otherwise;

dowith3 f (x:xs) (y:ys) (z:zs)
                        = f x y z $$ dowith3 f xs ys zs;
dowith3 f _ _ _         = () otherwise;

unzip []                = [],[];
unzip us@(_:_)          = foldr accum ([],[]) us
  accum u@(x,y) us      = x:(xs when xs,_ = check us end)&,
                          y:(ys when _,ys = check us end)& if thunkp us;
                        = x:xs,y:ys when xs,ys = check us end;
  accum u _             = throw (bad_tuple_value u);
  check us@(_,_)        = us;
  check (foldr _ _ us)  = throw (bad_list_value us);
  check us              = throw (bad_tuple_value us);

unzip3 []               = [],[],[];
unzip3 us@(_:_)         = foldr accum ([],[],[]) us
  accum u@(x,y,z) us    = x:(xs when xs,_,_ = check us end)&,
                          y:(ys when _,ys,_ = check us end)&,
                          z:(zs when _,_,zs = check us end)& if thunkp us;
                        = x:xs,y:ys,z:zs when xs,ys,zs = check us end;
  accum u _             = throw (bad_tuple_value u);
  check us@(_,_,_)      = us;
  check (foldr _ _ us)  = throw (bad_list_value us);
  check us              = throw (bad_tuple_value us);